
Don’t you love those moments of revelation, those times when the lightbulb over your head is switched on? In an instant you KNOW something you hadn’t known before; you see a side to an issue that had never crossed your mind; you recognize a veil has been removed which you didn’t even realize was there.

To have a deeper understanding suddenly flood in is not the work of agonizing study, research and sitting under hours of brilliant teaching, all of which are worthy endeavors. Some ‘revelations’ can come from letting bits of knowledge percolate and simmer on the back burner, as it were, until the mind manages to connect the dots. This is actually advanced problem solving rather than true revelation.

Revelation means simply something revealed, something that could not be known by human reasoning, something that had to come from outside oneself. Those are treasures not easily dislodged once received, especially when the new insight is contrary to previously held beliefs. Then you know you could not have made it up to self-delude, a favorite practice for most of us. Jesus says in John 14:26 “But the Counselor, Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” Revelation comes through and from Holy Spirit of God, and is therefore Truth, as He is Truth.

All of this is to introduce a revelation I received in my living room a few years ago. Simple at first look, it is profound. “No one knows all there is to know about anything. That includes the Bible, themselves, others, God.”

Since this is so, there is absolutely no right or place for anyone to make a judgment about others. No place for self-righteous declarations of what and who God is – other than what He has self-revealed, of course. No place for huffy, stuffy attitudes about “My translation of the Bible is the only true one!” Certainly there can be no certainty about the motivations and inner heart of the people around us.

If we all put down our swords of accusations wouldn’t the world, at least our personal world, be a better place? Just remember, when you think you know it all, you don’t. When you realize how little you know, you are on the road to wisdom. Selah.

2 thoughts on “Revelation

  1. If everyone realized how little they know and stopped judging others, well, there would be very few comments remaining on internet news articles.

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